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Show or Hide Button / Spoiler
Wednesday, December 28, 2011 @ 4:33 AM | 0 Comment [s]

Assalammualaikum + annyeong, chingu :)

\Bismillahirrahmanirrahim/ Hello all !  Okayy, hari neh Aleeya nak sambung buad tutorials Show or Hide Button / Spoiler. So, jom buad tutorials ini ;)

1. Dashboard -> Design -> Page Elements -> Add A Gadget -> HTML/Java Script
2. Tekan CTRL+C then copy code bawah neh :

<center><div id="spoiler"><div><input onclick="if (this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(&#39;div&#39;)[&#39;show&#39;].style.display != &#39;&#39;) { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(&#39;div&#39;)[&#39;show&#39;].style.display = &#39;&#39;; this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(&#39;div&#39;)[&#39;hide&#39;].style.display = &#39;none&#39;; this.innerText = &#39;&#39;; this.value = &#39;Hide Spoiler!&#39;; } else { this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(&#39;div&#39;)[&#39;show&#39;].style.display = &#39;none&#39;; this.parentNode.parentNode.getElementsByTagName(&#39;div&#39;)[&#39;hide&#39;].style.display = &#39;&#39;; this.innerText = &#39;&#39;; this.value = &#39;Show Spoiler!&#39;; }" value="Pamirkan" style="width:200px;font-size:12px;background-image:url(URL GAMBAR);-moz-border-radius: 25px 10px / 10px 25px; border-radius: 25px 10px / 10px 25px;margin:10px;padding:0px;border-style: 2px solid #FFFFFF;" type="button" /> 
<div id="show" style="display: none; background-color:transparent; background-repeat:repeat; margin: 0px;border-width:0px; padding:3px; width:98%"> 
<div id="hide"></div>

3. Lepas dah copy, paste kan code tadi dkt HTML/Java Script
4. Save !

  • Yang Aleeya warnekan BIRU, sila tukar dgn code color yang korang nak.
  • Yang Aleeya warnekan MERAH, sila tukar dgn url gambar yang korang nak.
  • Yang Aleeya warnekan HIJAU, sila tukar ikut kesesuaian korang.
  • Yang Aleeya warnekan KUNING, sila masukkan code code korang atau text korang.

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Copyrigt : Nur | Izzati
Tutorial Credit: Le Tutorial | Nur Nabilah