Tutorial Post Footer
Thursday, December 29, 2011 @ 12:31 AM | 1 Comment [s]
salam korang. credit tuto to : Whitey Mommy .1. Sign in blogger - Dashboard - Design 2. Edit HTML and search code ini : .post-footer {3. dah jumpa ? gantikan code di bawahnya dengan code ini : CARA PERTAMA( ada background) :
CARA KEDUA (ada gambar contoh macam written by or ape-ape sahaja tapi tiada background):
4. preview dulu baru save. Freebies Gambar Footer : credit picture to : http://applepine.chu.jp dah ambil tu, jangan lupa comment ye. it's up to you nak letak credit atau tak. Width : 100 | Height : 85 http://i.imgur.com/M9qzg.png http://i.imgur.com/Bl9tg.png http://i.imgur.com/O98rw.png |
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